Corporate Social Responsibility

A voluntary approach in which the TSM Group is involved

Defined by the ISO 26000 standard as "the responsibility of an organisation towards the impacts of its decisions and activities on society and the environment". This responsibility leads TSM to commit to a global approach of Social Responsibility.

This policy is based on 4 essential points aligned with the company's values.

Cultivating the company's identity within a cohesive group

A group of French SMEs within a family group

TSM remains faithful to its identity and its history thanks to its family ownership and its strong roots in the Seine Valley and in France.

Above all, a family business established in the port of Rouen for over a century, TSM is operational 7 days a week, 24 hours a day to provide assistance to ships.

Bases on its experience, the towing company has expanded its activities to become a group of French SMEs operating on French coasts, in ports and in the maritime environment.

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A leading maritime player

TSM currently employs 140 people, including 120 seafarers, and has a versatile fleet of 18 tugs of 20 to 80 tons of bollard pull, 6 offshore service vessels and 4 passenger vessels, enabling it to offer solutions adapted to the specific requirements of each activity.

The Group is a leading player in the French port and maritime towing market, with a strategy to further develop its towing activities and to become a major player in the field of renewable energy.

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Customer satisfaction

TSM build its development on long term vision and focuses primarily on the satisfaction of its customers, with the aim of establishing genuine partnerships with them.
TSM's national coverage is a strength that the Group grows every day.
Our presence in 5 French ports and our locations on all French coasts allow us to be constantly attentive to our clients and to adapt perfectly to local specificities, in particular thanks to a strong presence on the ground and high quality teams.

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Building trusted relationships

TSM bases its development on solid partnerships and trusting relationships with our clients and local actors. We develop a close relationship and exchange with all our clients in a very transparent way.
TSM is involved in local life through its commitment to the associations Union Portuaire de Rouen Dieppe Navals, Normandie Maritime, Union Maritime et Portuaire de Bordeaux, Union Maritime de Brest et sa Région, Union Maritime du Port de Sète.
TSM also supports the actions of the national associations Armateurs de France and Cluster Maritime Français.

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an environmental approach

Reduce our environmental footprint

TSM is aware that its maritime activities take place in fragile environments. The issue of environmental impact and its reduction is taken into account in the decisions and strategic orientations of the company.
TSM operates in strict compliance with all environmental legislation and regulations, and in consultation with our clients in order to limit the ecological footprint of our operations.

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Short term actions

Procedures are put in place as part of the quality management system to lead to greater efficiency, reducing the use of resources and the impact on the environment.
TSM has also made significant investments to reduce fuel consumption and emissions.

  • Use of electric vehicles for short-distance logistics trips.
  • Digitalisation of processes to reduce the environmental footprint
  • Installation of real-time consumption measurement devices on ships. 
  • Relocation of port vessels, with long-term investments, into tugboat parking pontoons.

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Medium term action

We have also taken binding decisions for the coming years:

  • Anticipation of the IMO TIER III standard on new ship constructions.
  • Development of the Hydrogen offer on TSM WINDCAT vessels, in association with our partner Windcat Workboats.

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a social and societal performance approach


In each of its activities, TSM considers the safety of people and property to be central to its mission. This is achieved through perfectly trained personnel, rigorous procedures and adapted equipment.

  • Adapted vessels
  • Experienced seafarers
  • Concrete measures in everyday life

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The recruitment methods and procedures ensure the principles of respect, non-discrimination and neutrality.
TSM promotes the diversity of profiles and skills by accompanying newcomers, by actively participating in the integration and training of young people or by passing on knowledge from one generation to another.
TSM supports the internal mobility of its staff, so that these employees can see career prospects within the Group. This policy favours the sharing of knowledge, motivates and builds loyalty among our employees.

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Ethical behaviour and transparency

Because transparency is at the heart of our values, TSM has set up an alert system for its employees, clients and external service providers.
The purpose of this mechanism is to allow any person to report, in complete confidentiality, any failure or violation of the law or regulation, or serious threat or harm to the public interest.
These are serious facts that concern all types of areas - financial, accounting and banking facts, - corruption or anti-competitive practices, - discrimination or harassment, - facts contrary to the protection of the environment, - facts affecting the health or safety of staff.

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Social responsibility

In addition, TSM contributes locally to the development of social cohesion through sponsorship and the establishment of sustainable and profitable relationships with sports associations.

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a Global Performance and Transparency approach

A global performance

In order to guarantee its customers and partners the highest level of global performance - quality, safety and environment - TSM is committed to a process of continuous improvement of its processes and operating procedures, certified ISO 9001 since 2011, with the objective of ISO 45001 and ISO 14001 certification in 2022.
The implementation of a Quality and Safety Management System (QSMS) has allowed the establishment of a set of tools, procedures and indicators in accordance with the TSM quality policy.
Our ultimate goal is the sustainable and responsible satisfaction of TSM customers.

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Competing in accordance with competition laws

TSM is committed to free and open competition. The Group complies with competition laws and competes solely on the merits of its services and quality of its performance

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Transparency, management responsibility

TSM's overall approach to Corporate Social Responsibility involves managing the company with professionalism and diligence.
TSM simultaneously communicates relevant information to investors and banks and protects investments against all foreseeable and avoidable risks.
The integrity of the books, documents and accounting records used as a basis for preparing financial statements and other corporate documents for management, customers and shareholders accurately and fairly reflect all transactions and comply with legal, accounting and tax requirements.
To ensure this, TSM has set up a network of expert advisors, external to the company, who can guide us in this responsibility.

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TSM is committed to the highest standards of anti-corruption behaviour in its business practices.

The Group does not grant any illegal or unjustified advantages or benefits, nor do we accept such advantages or benefits.

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