Client : EODC (Eoliennes Offshore du Calvados)
Beginning of January, TSM OUESSANT was mobilized by the Eoliennes Offshore du Calvados or Courseulles Offshore windfarm to work on additional geophysical investigation campaign and assist on clearing UXOs (UneXploded Ordonances) identified within the future site located off the coast of Normandy.
The first phase of the campaign was to conduct a geophysical investigation with a sub-bottom profiler(SBP). The survey was carried out by HYDROCONSULT using a SBP system fixed on the moonpool of the TSM OUESSANT.
The second phase of the campaign was to expose partially buried UXOs. Launched from the TSM OUESSANT, the ROV from our subcontractor COPETECH was equipped with a dredging and a caviblaster tool. The working method performed well and met all expectations by exposing the UXOs in a few ROV dives. This allowed access to the UXOs for the Groupe de Plongeurs Démineurs de la Manche (GPD MANCHE).